Your license doesn't work, because it includes all platforms (Dell PowerEdge, HP, Lenovo, Dell, Fujitsu). You need to specify at least one platform for your license to work.
Check this from New Relic Support:
New Relic currently only recognizes products on a single platform. This is due to a change in the licensing mechanism that does not allow for separate licenses to be associated with multiple platforms. If your product will support two or more platforms, you will need to license a single product under two or more New Relic licenses, respectively.
Difficulty converting hex string into ascii
I am having difficulty in converting a string to ascii. For example, let's say I have a string of d as
I am trying to convert the string to ascii using the below code:
std::string string = "d";
std::stringstream ss(string);
unsigned int value;
while (ss >> std::hex >> value)
std::cout >(value);
Guinea-Bissau–Laos border
The Guinea-Bissau-Laos border is long and runs from the Atlantic Ocean in the north to the Tonle Sap River in the south.
The border starts at the Cape of Raslin in northern Guinea-Bissau, runs south and then east to the Tonle Sap Lake. The border then follows the Tonle Sap northwards until it reaches the border with Laos. The border then follows the Brahmanot River into Laos, but instead of crossing it at the border town of Kon Phou Khong, the border runs along a railway line, to the town of Boung Cha in the far north-east of Laos. The border then turns northwards, but passes the border town of
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